Like any good libertarian atheist, I have a strong disdain for government and a tendency to grab my wallet when someone mentions the end of the world is nigh. The massive bird deaths around the world are turning my mental gears and still bringing me back to my normal thought process of distrusting anyone involved with government and religion.
Coming from all corners of the Coast to Coast AM fan base, Christians and 2012 doomsday “prophets” are screeching about these bird deaths being the run up to the coming apocalypse on December 21, 2012. I don’t buy this for a second. Neither do I trust the official explanations from the government and other establishment organs. Because, yet again, I fall back to my hypothesis with anything involving religion and government: trust neither with vigor.
Unless you have been living under a rock for the past week, the media has been reporting of mysterious bird deaths around the United States. These cases were mysterious to say the least and the government has not been explaining the causes of these bird deaths with anything resembling clarity.
On Christmas, a large number of birds were found stone cold dead in Kentucky and more were found in the following days. Then, on New Years Eve, birds were falling out of the sky, yet again dead, from the sky around Beebe Arkansas. This was in addition to 10,000 fish found dead between the Ozark Dam and the Highway 109 Bridge in Franklin County, Arkansas. The American Media was all over covering these unexplained phenomena but without being laden with anything resembling pesky facts.
Earlier this week, in the Chesapeake Bay, tens of thousands of dead fish were washed ashore to great dismay from residents of the area. Besides my thoughts of them dyeing from the toxic atmosphere floating from the nearby Washington D.C officials are blaming the death on a recent cold snap on the eastern seaboard. Even though I am not an expert in this field, I do have common sense and do know that elementary biology teaches that fish and other creatures will move to warmer areas when the climate in one area gets too cold for comfort.
Now this phenomenon has gone global.
This week, hundreds of tons of sardines were found dead in a small coastal town called Parana in Brazil. Also, dead fish are starting to wash up in other small coastal towns in Brazil.
This has also migrated to New Zealand. Dead fish have been washing ashore in the thousands. Official scientific organs have been claiming this was the result of inclement weather or starvation due to lack of food sources. But, these fish were found to be quite fat and healthy, which would rule out any sort of starvation or cold weather as a cause of death.
This is parlayed by similar cases in Switzerland and other European countries.
There are some theories rooted in the mundane that do not hold muster. This is the view held by establishment scientists and government media complex organs. They cite localized hale, fireworks or exposed power lines as possible stimuli. What these theories fail to address is how this is applicable to dead fish and how similar events are happening in totally different parts of the globe.
When the establishment scientific community and the government cannot come up with believable theories, pseudo-scientific theories and spiritual doomsday hucksters come in and fill the gap.
One of the pseudo-scientific theories is the idea that the Madrid Fault Line in the Midwest is opening up again, due to the BP oil spill creating an ‘oil volcano’, that is increasing seismic activity in this area. But, like any theory that is not supported by fact or reason, it falls apart when looked at under a microscope. How would earthquakes be responsible for killing thousands of birds at once? Explanations from people who support this theory on how this would work are most likely not forthcoming except blind faith for second-rate bloggers with poor writing skills.
Christians are saying this is the preface to events they believe will happen as mapped out by the Book of Revelations. They believe that there will be a set of catastrophes that will be ended by the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the end of the world. Besides this sounding like a third-rate Robert Jordan imitating fantasy bestseller, it can’t be proven so you shouldn’t believe it. If I can’t see it, I don’t believe it.
The Daniel Pinchbeck following hipsters that believe in the world ending in 2012 as foretold by the Mayan calendar, have also grasped unto this being an affirmation of their doomsday cult beliefs. They believe a set of cataclysmic events and world changing events will keep on happening as the run up to the end of this cycle, the world, that has lasted for 5,125 years. They either believe that it will be the end of everything or it will be the beginning of a new spiritual awakening of the world. Yet again, I fall back to my hypothesis of the Christian end times theory: if I can’t see it I can’t believe it.
As 2012 rapidly approaches, every strange event that happens will be brought up as proof of their idiotic beliefs. But, why should we believe the words of psychedelic drug taking hipsters as proof when there are actual problems in the world and real literature to read? The answer, people are stupid and will follow anyone that either looks sexy or has ideas they feel are sexy. That is how Obama got elected and how half-baked theories abound even when their ideas are routinely discredited.
What all of these disparate theories fail to take into account is that the government has been involved in electromagnetic and biological weapons testing for many years. This testing has had a detrimental effect on humans and wildlife. Are they doing this now? The jury is out but I would not be surprised one bit if information came out that said somehow the government was somehow involved in these birds and fish dyeing. Unlike the return of Jesus Christ, this has happened in the past and is provable by cold hard facts. You can’t trust anyone that supposedly has the “word of god behind them” as much as someone in the State that believes they are God.
There are real problems in this world caused by governments every day and they are real, provable. All this spiritual mumbo jumbo does is distract you from the real problems facing us. Don’t be taken in by the hucksters. All they want to do is scare your pants off so they can offer a solution to their fake problems and laugh all the way to the bank. Don’t help them.
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