Paying cash is the best way to protect oneself from unwanted intrusion by governments looking to track your purchases in real time and using that information against you. They will claim only terrorists and anti-government extremists use cash to hide their nefarious purchases from the light. But the paper trail left by buying things through credit and debit cards is logged by the government and can be falsified to go after those who the state despises. Cash purchases are the best safeguard from this. That is why governments federal, state and local are looking to kill that loophole. You must be logged, tagged and tracked or else you are with the ‘terrorists’.
The march towards a cashless society is well under way in Discovery Bay, California. The residents of Discovery Bay will be the first municipality in the country to deny residents the option of paying cash for public services. As the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been going bananas in their advertisement spots claiming cash payers are terrorists and devils, so does Discovery Bay follow this despotic viewpoint with gusto.
Starting in May, if you live in Discovery Bay, to pay your water bill, buy a leisure card to enter local parks or to purchase any kind of government service you must pay by either credit card, debit card, check or money order.
I guess people who wish to pay cash have money that is no good. I guess when the greenbacks say it is legal tender for all debts public and private, it is just a piece of paper with words on it (I’m apt to agree with that, but that’s for a different day and different article). I guess the brown shirted fascists are afraid of the mundanes wanting any sort of anonymity.
What are the official reasons for this damnable legislation? City officials claim they are enacting this legislation to protect the city workers from potential thieves with an eye for the city’s cash stores (government hates competition!). But the facts tell a totally different story than the city government’s convenient fantasy.
A former board member of the Discovery Bay city council is saying the move is in response to residents paying in cash for the disclosure of official city documents. Even though this is a perfectly legal right, I guess the city of Discovery Bay is afraid that its activity behind closed doors will be shown the light of day and give fodder to their potential electoral challengers.
As with any government, the City of Discovery Bay is afraid of its own people. One of the other unofficial reasons given was that the citizens were getting uncommonly antagonistic towards the local government. They were using documents procured to take shots toward the government. When a government gets so big, so corrupted that it intrudes into other people’s lives, citizens get mad and take charge of the situation. The people being the biggest threat to any nefarious government scheme, said government must lock up all damning information before the people see and take up pitchforks.
This legislation sets two very dangerous precedent. With Discovery Bay in the lead, many other towns, cities, counties and states will be enacting similar laws. Although they will claim they will be protecting their workers and the government from potential thieves, the truth will be they are looking to find out who wants to find out the results of their leader’s backroom activities and then act against them accordingly.
The second precedent is much more sinister. The DHS has been screeching that all who wish to pay cash are terrorists and must be treated like the devils they are. If you refuse to use credit cards or checks you must be with the terrorists.
This is a script the DHS has been following for quite awhile. In manuals, videos and public service announcements, they have been depicting people who prefer cash purchases to be involved in terroristic activity and a threat to the nation. The most blaring example of this is the video PSA entitled No Reservations: Suspicious Activity In Hotels.
In the video, the perky little counter girl at the hotel is shocked, just shocked this man (this brown man!) wants to pay for his room in cash. Oh, the horror! He wants some anonymity. I’m so sorry his purchase is not being logged, tracked and stored for the merry peeping toms in southern Maryland to use against him when he becomes an inconvenience to the fatherland!
The DHS, the Federal “Security” apparatus and political talkers from both ends of the controlled political spectrum have been calling for tyranny at a fever pitch. When the DHS is producing PSA’s that depict cash payers as evil terrorists, not as people that value their privacy, we know we are entering a brave new world; not in the Shakespearian sense either! The government is fomenting paranoia and misplaced do-gooder tendencies to control the people from realizing they have been treated as slaves their forefathers fought and died to keep free from oppression.
Paying cash, as I mentioned earlier in this article, is the best way to protect your privacy when buying or selling goods. There is no paper trail and that’s why the government hates it. Don’t be surprised at some time in the future; cash is fazed out entirely in favor of credit and debit cards.
We are driving down the road to tyranny. Our final destination is total despotism. The only way to save us from this fate is to turn back now before it is too late. We must head back towards liberty. For liberty is our best chance for survival as a species.
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