Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cats And Welfare

It is the dead of night and I am sure garbage will be strewn all over the side of my house. Wrappers, rotting food stuff, chicken bones and other things of the smelly kind will be sitting there, waiting for me with my latex gloves and black garbage bag.

            This has been a persistent problem for the last couple of months. Having a weak stomach and an aversion to trash I resolved to find the culprit.

            I’ve embellished a bit on my description. Garbage isn’t dumped as much as it is thrown all over the place like buckshot. It originates from the over turned garbage cans and moves onward from there. The garbage bags are ripped to shreds, the food having bite marks of the feline variety. The culprit of this heinous crime is obvious.

            My next door neighbor is a stereotype. Widowed, ancient, hunched over, voice like a crone, temperament like an angel and avid collector of cats. Siamese, Persian or fat alley cat; name a breed of cat and she has it.

            Cats are not territorial creatures. They explore, get into places they don’t belong, go back home to the litter box, laze around for a little while and the cycle continues. My neighbor’s cats are no exception to the rule. I find them in my back yard all time exploring and climbing fences. Until recently, they never caused trouble or got into the garbage.

            On an unpleasant Sunday afternoon, after picking up the garbage on the ground and expelling the bagel I had that morning, I decided to talk to my tenants to see if they knew what was going on. Maybe they held the vital clue I needed to crack this case.

            My tenants are great people. Being twenty something newlyweds they pick up after themselves, are quiet at night and the nuptial arguments have yet to kick in.

            I knock on the door of their apartment. After about 10 seconds Maria, the wife, opens the door.

            She is a great woman; a sweetheart that knows her way around a house and a man’s heart. She stands about 5’7, average weight, luminescent dark hair and a smile that could light up the room. I hope to find a woman like her one day.

            The door is opened just enough for Maria to stick out her head. She smiles and asks in a cute, mousey voice,” Hey James, something wrong?”

“I just noticed cats are getting into the garbage. You know anything about that?”, I respond in a polite manner

            “Cats? I mean…I always see them around the backyard. I feed them all the time. They’re so cute!”, she says.

            I give a polite wave,” Well…alright. Thanks. I’ll see you around.”

            I turn my back and walk away as she closes the door. I walk back into my house to take a shower, ruminating on the answer Maria had given me.

            She was feeding the cats. The cats, being used to always getting food from this house, must have taken for granted it would always be there.  At night there is no food for them here. Being free loaders used to handouts, they smell it in the garbage cans. They take the food from the garbage cans without being permitted to do so, causing a mess in their wake.

            During my reverie, I realized that this was the perfect allegory for the welfare state. The cats were given handouts and trashed the place when the handouts were not there. In the welfare system, people who do not contribute one iota to the world are given free money, for them at least, and when the gravy train runs out they act like children having temper tantrums; but their tantrums lead to rioting and looting in the streets. The cats are given food that does not belong to them. The food, with Maria’s husband being the one that makes money, was redistributed from the pantry in their apartment and given to the cats. The money from welfare is taken from the taxpayers and given to free loaders in the ghetto.

            The main difference is people are not animals.  We let cats lay around the house and live off the fat of the land because we care for them like they are our own babies. They never have to make money because they are unproductive in the production of capital and always will be; that’s why we love them. They are a reflection of what we would want to be but cannot be for it would fly in the face of human nature. Unlike cats, welfare queens are the antithesis of human nature. They live like dogs and cats. They require the master of all, government, to feed them and make sure they get bathed. They have Cadillac’s, air conditioning in the summer, heat in the winter, DVD players, X-Box’s, an endless supply of cheese blocks and premium cable. All at the expense of the taxpayers while bankrupting our country and leaving us destitute on the land our forefathers fought to create.  Unlike cats, which we voluntarily give sustenance and shelter, welfare recipients are drains on the public treasury, put there involuntarily while acting like animals. Not human beings.

             I am one of the few people calling for the complete elimination of all welfare programs by federal, state and local governments. I am one of the few with intestinal fortitude to stand athwart this evil freight train coming our way and saying no. Even so-called conservatives are for welfare and social justice. All they believe in is slightly tinkering with the broken system while the problem is systematic and the whole system must be demolished. Reform is never possible in government. When government has a problem, the whole system it creates should be torn down and re-built if totally necessary. That is the main problem most conservatives overlook. You cannot run a government like a business or any other sane structure. It is a totally insane structure with no competitors and no ways to opt out of its control. You can run a government with a light touch and do whatever you have to do to keep the cogs from turning. But you cannot make it ‘efficient’ because it always runs at its top efficiency. It is efficient at force and extortion and little else.  Welfare is propagated by the outright theft of capital from the productive sector of society into the unproductive sector. It is a succubus for vote getting politicians while giving money to parasites that have no right to the fruits of your labor. The welfare system does not need a soldering iron and WD-40 to make it work correctly. No, it needs the wrecking ball to make sure the system cannot destroy anymore productive members of society.

            The moral of this scrawling? Love your pets and treat them right. But don’t feed the cat lady’s feline adventurers. And don’t feed anybody on welfare. They are already eating and living on your dime; don’t enable the parasites even further.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

I'm Dreaming Of A Capitalist Christmas

         Christmas approaches while the bittersweet chill in the New York air kicks in. The smells of wood smoke permeate the air, holiday music fills the airwaves and the malls are overflowing with gift buyers. It is a beautiful time for everyone involved. It is a time of voluntary charity and gift giving to loved ones not coerced by any outside force but goodwill and love. It is not produced by government, forcing you to bear gifts to those you do not wish to bear to. Socialists believe Christmas is an affirmation of their failed beliefs. They are wrong. Socialists would love to turn this holiday into a swansong for socialism and full blown wealth spreading. From the gift giving, to holiday cheer for other men and to charity, it is all voluntary with no coercion. Let’s forget the socialists and look into what Christmas is: an ode to the free market.

            You may not realize this, but everything you will be enjoying this holiday was produced by the magic of the free market. Hundreds of thousands of individuals are involved in the production of the goods and services that you will be consuming and giving away. Every entrepreneur, to every assembly line worker, to the truck driver and even the person bringing the raw materials from the Earth have a hand in the production of your gifts.

            Lets take one of the most popular gifts this year, the Amazon Kindle e-reader, as an example. The miners and the mining company take raw silver and other metals from the earth. The mining company sells the metals to the semi-conductor company. The semi-conductor company turns those metals and other resources into the motherboards and circuitry of the e-reader. They sell it to the manufacturer of the machine. The manufacturer buys the plastic case from the molding company. The molding company buys the oil and metals necessary to produce the plastic case. The metal ore, for the molds, comes from the mining company and the oil comes from the hard labors of the men working the oil rigs and the oil company providing them with a salary. The molding company takes all of those raw materials and turns them into the plastic case thanks to the hard work of the workers on the assembly line and the molding company paying their salaries. The manufacturer assembles this motley crew of materials into the e-reader, thanks to the hard work of those on the assembly line whose salary is provided by the manufacturing company. The manufacturing company either sells their product to you or to a retailer. The manufacturer purchases the services of the delivery company to ship their product to your doorstep or to your local store. The delivery company buys their trucks from the truck company. The truck company buys the materials necessary to make their trucks from the mining company mining the metal ore necessary to create the mechanical parts and body of the truck. The truck company buys their tires from the tire company. The tire company buys the rubber to make their tires from the rubber farmer who gets it from the rubber tree and sells it to the truck company. The truck company assembles all of these materials into a truck thanks to the hard work of the workers on the assembly line whose salary is paid by the truck company. The truck company sells the truck to the delivery company. The delivery company is paid by either you, the manufacturer or the retailer to deliver the Kindle. They buy the diesel fuel for the truck from an oil company who takes the crude oil from the ground and turns it into fuel. The driving is done by a truck driver with a salary paid by the delivery company. If the product is delivered to your doorstep, that is its last stop. If it is bought by a retailer, the retailer must stock and promote the Kindle if they want people to buy it from them. They must also pay their employees to stock the product and sell it to you, the consumer. The retailer must also pay the cashier taking your money and making change if necessary. Finally you, with a salary or money from a business you own, use the capital produced by your labors, money, and trade it for the Amazon Kindle; and the cycle continues. But, on the journey of the Amazon Kindle, you are the last in line.

All of these seemingly diverse parties are only working together under one force: capitalism. The motive towards profit and the need to accrue capital are what puts food on the table and gifts under the Christmas tree. Under a socialist system, there is no private means of production so there is no profit motive thus arrested economic development ensues and severe economic devolution quickly follows.

            We live in a country created by capitalism, and we reap the benefits everyday. Even our poor, which government loves to claim need to live off the government dole, are better off than Roman emperors. They have color televisions, DVD players, computers, internet and many other modern amenities. They also have the ability to control the temperature of their domiciles, air conditioning in the summer, heat in the winter and hot or cold running water. I have heard it said that you can judge a society by how it takes care of its poor. If we look at how capitalism takes care of its poor, I’d say the society is looking pretty good.

Modern life is the end result of capitalism and free markets. Not the work of government programs. Everything you enjoy about modern life you can thank the free market and the innovation of entrepreneurs. There’s a reason why socialism is a corpse bureaucrats try to re-animate unsuccessfully and capitalism, even though much maligned by freedom haters, will always be alive. The free market is the natural order of things and will always be around even when outlawed. It just becomes a black market whenever the government tries to outlaw a particular force in the market.

            Capitalism is responsible for everything that you will be enjoying this Christmas. From the gifts under your tree, to the food on the table, the money in your pocket and even the tree itself are products of the free market standing as testaments to its power and glory. If we lived in a country that Barack Obama so wants, Christmas would be without gifts, we’d all be chopping down scrawny dying pine trees and standing on a breadline for our Christmas meal.

            When you are thanking the world for the gifts it has given you while praying for peace, happiness and other good stuff remember to thank one thing you always forget is there. Give thanks to the wheels within wheels of the free market system. Without capitalism you would not be celebrating Christmas. Without capitalism, you’d be homeless, broke and hungry on Christmas. Without capitalism you’d be living in the Stone age, killing deer with a stone spearhead while struggling to create a fire.

            Give thanks to capitalism. For with it, we are everything. Without it, we are nothing.  

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Legalize Insider Trading

            The American welfare state has bred a class that resents those who make a lot of money the old fashion way: with grit, determination and hard work. If you get rich this way instead of off government they look for their so-called leaders to take you down and take you down hard. As they collect those welfare checks and live off your tax dollars, you will be an object of scorn by the State for making money while doing it honestly with no regrets in your wake.

            This leads me into a controversial thesis in these times, that insider trading is not a crime.  It is a victimless crime that hurts no one so thus leaves no victims; hence the term victimless.

A crime is an unwanted intrusion into someone else’s personal space or property, generally by force. In this scenario there is always an aggressor and victim that is wronged in the situation. In a victimless crime it generally involves either two consenting parties that agree to a transaction that the State deems inappropriate or a distraction of attention from it. It can also be an activity that only you partake in either for your sole benefit or for pleasure that the State deems inappropriate due to its threat of distraction from absolute government power. The only victim in this sort of ‘crime’ is the government and no one else. Government, not being a proper human being, cannot be necessarily wronged against if not directly attacked. The only way it can be ‘wronged’ is if there is a direct threat to its monopoly of power. Thus, they will lock you up if you engage in activity that affects no one but yourself.

            How can be insider trading be victimless? Aren’t these money hungry men in business suits making all the money they can at the expense of the investor by withholding information that would determine what to do with a stock? The simple answer is no. This is an issue that is incredibly easy to grasp if we take it out of the hands of professional pundits on CNBC who are there to make matters look complicated, even when they’re not, to feed you the establishment line.            

            Let’s say you go to a psychic with the ability to predict the future with an accuracy of 100 percent; a true clairvoyant. She gives you information that there will be a war in the next month and a small aerospace firm in the Midwest will have the exclusive contract on building fighter jets for the United States Air Force. Or you’re standing in a crowded elevator and you overhear a whispered conversation that involves insider information on a large corporation that will dramatically affect the price of said stock. Is it morally wrong to take the information in any of the above scenarios and use it to turn a profit for yourself in the open market? Even when no one else but you and maybe one or two others are privy to this information? Of course not. Journalists, who love to heap scorn upon those engaging in this activity, are always undercutting one another and withholding information from their colleagues in order to land the scoop and the profit from a big story. What separates a journalist and a Michael Milken? Nothing, except their position in the halls of power.

            Anti-business liberals will go on to cite the victims left in the ashes of insider trading’s wake. Stock brokers and investors are nothing like gangsters or terrorists. The victims of  gangsters and terrorists are easy to catch. Gangsters and terrorists leave their victims corpses, which are pretty easy to catch; or at least I’ve been told. The victims of insider trading are either nebulous or non-existent. They either are monsters created in the imagination of Elliot Spitzer or victims of their own short-sightedness and financial idleness.

            While the SEC goes after insider traders this nation is facing a foreclosure fraud crisis perpetuated by real criminals in banks propped up by a private central bank, The Federal Reserve. Millions of homes are being foreclosed on where the bank does not own a legal title to said property. In effect, every foreclosure made on homes where the bank does not own a title is theft of property. Every time a homeowner pays their mortgage to a bank that has no right to collect it, the bank is stealing money from the homeowner. There is an aggressor using force to violate another’s property, the Banks, and a victim, the homeowner. There is a real crime the SEC and the FBI should be investigating. Not if a few stock brokers and investors is withholding information from other investors to make money or prevent from losing money.

            The government’s conviction on prosecuting insider traders is a good way to rile up people dependent on the welfare state for their very daily sustenance. They keep the lower elements of society fat, stupid and dependent on the system so they will never rise up. As statistics go, a few always have a mind and are a threat to challenging the system with an ability to lead others. That’s why you teach them class envy. Keep them hating wealthy people, keep them on the dole and they will get the others to follow them in class envy. Show them a few wealthy men in handcuffs, keep the government cheese flowing and the welfare checks in the mail and you have a reliable voting bloc. Insider trading is stealing to them and any argument to the contrary is met with heavy cognitive dissonance.

            Finance is not baseball. It cannot be governed by strict rules, similar to most sports, which aim to even out the playing field so the same team doesn’t win all the time.  Not due to the unfairness of the Yankees winning every night, although that would be nice for us Yankee fans, but because Toronto and Boston fans would stop watching the games and spending their money on causes that would essentially be throwing money into a bottomless pit that only breaks your heart.

            Finance is not a game. Its goal is to secure prosperity and economic success to those with the know how to succeed. That know how involves an acumen with numbers, intelligence enough to know what’s going on in the world and the independence to know how to make money. Finance is not there to make you bend over backwards for your opponents at the expense of your own success. Finance is not there for redistribution of wealth. Finance is not there for government to tell you how and where you can make money and why.

            It is time to legalize freedom. It is time to legalize insider trading.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Don't Ban Earmarks

There’s been much ado about the new Republican Congress’ quest to ban earmarks. They talk about how it will cut spending, no earmarks will mean no more money spent on researching the sexual habits of snails and it will be a sign showing they meant it when their campaign literature said they wanted to cut wasteful spending. Being the bearer of bad news that I am, it doesn’t cut Federal spending by a single penny while giving the President full power over the purse strings.

            There has been much talk about what an earmark is, without any word of its true definition. An earmark is a provision that directs funds to go to a specific project or directs a hyper-specific tax or fee exemption. Since Congress is Constitutionally obligated to direct Federal funds, the power to grant earmarks lands directly on Congress, being on of its’ core functions; one of the few they haven’t let slip away to the executive branch.

            The argument for banning earmarks falls apart on several points. As mentioned above, the power to direct Federal funds resides within the legislative branch. In the event Congress does not fulfill this duty, the obligation goes to the Executive Branch. The reasons against granting this power to the President are voluminous. The President will not make the process any better than it is now, the President will politicize the process by failing to give allotted money to districts with representatives that do not fall in lock step with the President and any more power granted to the executive is not needed now or ever.(Isn’t it funny that the Tea Party Movement, that supports smaller government, would want to give even more power to the President?) Banning earmarks seems futile when you know they do not cost a dime to be implemented. All they are, as mentioned previously, are provisions that direct funds to a certain project with money that is already there. You cannot cut the spending if all you are doing is banning where it is being spent instead of it being spent at all. It would be like shutting off a lighthouse in a port where the docks are full, but still letting ships in, while not asking the question, why do we need any more ships docked in the port? Lets imagine that banning earmarks would cut spending. If it did, it would only consist of 2 percent of the overall Federal budget and you would be wasting your time on such a small number where there are trillions to be cut on the elimination of entire departments. Earmarks are also a way for taxpayers to go to their Congressman and say they want some of that money back. Would you want to take away money from people who actually earned the money they would be getting back in favor of a bureaucrat directing funds to causes and people he deems worthy? What’s to keep him from not finding you worthy of keeping your money, that you paid anyway, and giving it to someone who didn’t? Looking at the track record of the Federal bureaucrats and their fondness for redistribution of wealth that scenario seems highly likely.

            Of course, people like John McCain and other fake conservatives will inevitably call you a big spending liberal if you dare question their anti-earmark dogma. You want a bridge to nowhere? You want a potato museum? Of course I don’t! There is a simple solution to nix unconstitutional spending in the butt that doesn’t involve any strenuous effort for your average Congress critter: vote no. It doesn’t involve any lobbing, any vote jockeying or even breaking a sweat. Just press that other button that you rarely press ever.

            I am not a big spender, as mainline conservatives reading this will believe. You lock me in a room, give me a copy of the budget, calculator, pizza, a copy of The Queen is Dead by The Smiths and a 12 pack of beer there will be trillions of dollars eliminated within two hours; entire departments will be gone.

            Where in the Constitution does it say the Federal Government should be involved in funding education, the Department of Energy and the EPA? No where! So called conservatives like John McCain and Mitch McConnell will go on TV and cite a few crazy things that were earmarked money. The whole idea is to cite the silly stuff to make earmarks sound like they are funding crazy studies, get you to focus all of your attention on passing a ban on earmarks while they vote for big spending bills right under your eyes. These professional politicians and creeps are pulling the wool over the eyes of the Tea Party members and they don’t even know it.    

            The solution to fixing the problem is easy. Ignore the pabulum coming from politicians and focus on their legislative action. If you ignore them, they will get the message. Sometimes silence is the best solution to getting politicians to listen to you. Imagine if they held an election and no one showed up. That would get their attention real quick!

            Tea Party members, you’re being taken for a ride and you don’t even know it. These cretins are blatantly lying to you, taking your eye off the ball and spending this country even further down the drain. Push for the elimination of the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, the Department of Homeland Security, the TSA and every other unconstitutional department. Don’t get distracted and do what they tell you, do what is right and constitutional. You say you love the Constitution and want the government to follow it more. I’ll take you at your word that you do. Karl Rove is not there for you, Michelle Bachman is not there for you, Dick Armey is not there for you and neither is the national Republican establishment. Shake off the establishment elements co-opting you and do what’s right for the country: make the Congress critters follow the Constitution and stop trying to make it irrelevant or you will make them irrelevant!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I Have No Faith In Sarah Palin

             We are ruled by statist politicians with messiah complexes. Let us no longer turn politicians into tiny messiahs or we will forever bear the consequences of a society ran by messianic figures and their false idol of central planning. We live in the wreckage such small men and women create.

            No matter what side of the aisle they sit, their bible is force and their vicar is central planning. We can look at Presidents of the last 50 years and we see in them the worst our society has to offer; from WASPS with country club Connecticut accents to Harvard graduates with shady backgrounds.

            Even ones marketed as our supposed saviors are of this ilk. Take Sarah Palin, she is the Mama Bear from Alaska who can kill and skin a moose before you can say Marco Polo. She, or her handlers, market her as a true independent conservative come onto Earth to save us from the evils of big government, reverse the tyranny of leviathan and she even says some nice words against the Federal Reserve; she’s also easy on the eyes. We are told to have faith in Palin but I’d rather kneel before Moloch before I prostrate before her or any politician.

            Why do you have such harsh words for Palin, you say? She represents everything I stand against. Her foreign policy is Straussian, her domestic policy is liberal populist and she supports a leviathan state that takes the power upon itself to regulate what  you imbibe and what services you partake.

            She will say nice words to conservatives and libertarians that make people on both persuasions weak at the knees. She will say she will let you smoke a joint but still support a no-win war on drugs that steals men’s freedoms and wastes money on a fight that we cannot win. She goes to advocates of gun rights, telling them she supports their rights, yet she will nary take a single action towards the liberalization of gun laws. She will say nice words about the Constitution while using it as toilet paper. 

            Aye, she will sit in a smoke filled backroom while ten old men plot the destruction of this country. Just like Obama, she will set herself up as Christ before her followers while not implementing any of the positions she advocated while running for office. In short, she will do what every single Republican president has done, sell out their positions while absconding our freedoms. They will whispers sweet nothings that sound right to their base, while undermining this country behind conservative’s backs.

There is only one politician I trust on the national scene: Ron Paul. All others are lying to you, all others have nothing substantial to say, all others support the leviathan Federal Government and all others will work to have this country go the same direction as Rome; to the dust heap of history to be picked apart and studied by scholars of long dead civilizations.

The Revolution: A Manifesto                 End The Fed                    

Monday, November 22, 2010

Roads Crumbling, New York Wants To Raise Taxes

If you live in New York it might be a wise investment to pick up a  pair of good sneakers, you’re going to need them. According to the soon to be lieutenant governor, Dick Ravitch, New York will be lacking the tax revenue to afford maintaining the roadways in a manner fit for driving.

            What are his solutions? According to the NY Post, he will be using the same old liberal tax and spend way of trying to fix a problem:

…significantly higher taxes, fees, fares and tolls or a drastically diminished transportation program that could jeopardize safety and economic well-being.

            As with any inability of government to pay for something, it is not a revenue problem but a spending problem. Anytime there is a budget deficit or a program that government is supposed to fund that goes under liberals always say taxes are too low so lets raise them. They fail to see beyond the failure of their spending ways and decide to confiscate more income from the taxpayers. If less money was spent on useless programs that only benefit their lowlife voter base then there would be no need for raising taxes to pay for things that actually should be funded; like roadways and other infrastructure. Taxes are only a symptom of the disease, not the cancer slowly traveling to the brain.

            The state of New York, pays the most money for Medicare, welfare, social benefits and the public sector unions have raided the public treasury to get sweetheart pensions and pay for their members at the expense of everyone else in the state. The total budget operating budget is around $136 billion dollars and the majority of that goes to the programs listed above.

            All of this has been at the expense of transportation and infrastructure. Everyday, this writer drives on crumbling bridges, pothole ridden roads and spent tires litter the side of the roadways.

            The solution beyond raising taxes is to take a sledgehammer to spending. Residents of New York, especially on Long Island and upstate, pay the highest taxes in the nation. If you were to raise taxes even higher than they are now, you would see even more people flee New York in droves towards states that have a much lower tax burden and see the industrial base of this state smashed.

            What to cut? Well, I see Medicare a good place to start and maybe completely cut using the tried and true method of state nullification. I would mandate that state worker’s salaries be topped at $100,000. The State also needs to go into serious austerity mode and severely slash state benefits and entitlements to free-loaders. I’m sure you could go through the state budget line by line and find things to cut; if you have a vibrant social life I would advise against this.

            Dick Ravitch(say that three times without laughing) is right in diagnosing the problem but dead wrong on the solutions. We need good roads that are fit to drive on for the state’s economic security and future. Without world class roads, bridges and tunnels you will see this state brought into the gutter with California. Albany will be burning while the freeloading ghetto welfare recipients will sit around in their pajamas eating Coco Puffs, watching Jerry Springer and getting free root canals.

            Andrew Cuomo will be the governor in January. Will he swoop into Albany, slay the union dragon and cut spending before this state goes fiscally insolvent? I’m not holding my breath. 

The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New YorkThe Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Love Letter To A TSA Agent

Dear TSA agent,

I get so lonely during the Holiday Season. Being a single young man, my private parts need to be fondled, groped and violated by another human being for the sheer variety of it. Being socially awkward, I am not known for my prolific flings but when I get them I make them count. Trust me, I provide a quick and painful, in a good way, pleasure that leaves us both with a smile on our faces. That is why I am contacting you TSA agent, you are my muse, my flame and I long for you as a New Jersey native craves a tanning bed. This holiday season I have purchased plane tickets so I can see you. Oh, TSA agent, I so crave your firm but loving touch.

            I will stand on line with my fellow travelers, I will opt out of the full body scanner because I am not a tease, I like to get right to the point; foreplay is a dirty word. I will be pulled aside for our date with destiny, my legs and groin will be quivering in anticipation. This is will be the moment I have been waiting for, that is why I take my shirt off, cover myself in whip cream, lay out the scented candles and play some Barry White to set the mood. I know your higher ups disapprove of this activity but my love knows no boundaries and respects no authority!

            Ah, then you will come waddling towards me; all five hundred pounds of you in a gelatinous mass of goo that shifts like the tides of the ocean. You will stand in front of me, blocking all the light, and tell me to spread my legs. Here it comes!

            You will bend down and pat down my legs, both left and right, slowly moving up but never quite reaching my unmentionables. You tease! You will then feel under my testicles, moving towards my penis and the rest of my glorious groin area. Oh baby, you excite me better than that five dollar an hour hooker waiting for me in Shanghai. Since I have come into your life minus the shirt, I have made your job easier. No bombs to set the friendly skies aflame can be concealed by my shirtless abdomen. Oh, I’m sorry, you’re a diabetic and you cannot be tempted by the sugary goodness of whipped cream. I guess you can keep your tong in that black hole you call a mouth

            Hopefully, you have seen something you like and invite me back to your taxpayer funded flop-house for some more good ‘ol fashion lovin’. If not, that’s fine too. After groping so many Nuns and five year old children you have the touch of an angel and the passion of a pedophile I will not soon forget.

            You may look like Jabba The Hutt and be a blue shirted rent-a-cop drunk on power, but I think you get a bad rap. Even though you and your fellow minimum wage tyrants have not prevented one single terrorist attack I’m sure you are keeping America safe. Because I listen to our butch Homeland Security chief, Janet Napolitano, I know all intelligent terrorists are going to walk right through airport security with a big bomb bulging right out of their pants.  Why wouldn’t they? If you say so, you want the terrorists to win and you want everyone to not be safe. I listen to our ever honest government and it would never lie to me, after all, my taxes are a tribute of love! You have just a good of chance of dying from the radiation from the porno-scanners as you do from dying from an airborne bomb but I do not let so-called facts get in the way. No, I follow what our leader say as scripture because they are the idols we all strive to be, power hungry and ready to profit from the public treasury.

            As the holidays come closer and my love for you grows stronger everyday I sit here and write to you, my love.  Even though many miles, the walls of JFK airport and massive doses of radiation separate us, it feels as if we are here together consummating our love. If you have any reservations as to violating my privacy, even though I doubt you do, remember this: you cannot violate anything if it’s invited. You, my tyrant lover with the blue shirt and a belt size roughly the size of Jupiter’s equator, will be there for me when I opt out. You will give me a ‘love pat’ and I will leave with a smile on my face and sticky pants.

Sincerely yours,

P.S.: You can touch my junk anytime, baby!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Public School Nanny Invades House

In the most blaring example of a public school bureaucrat thinking he is God, omniscient, above the laws of us common men and coming from an over funded bacchanal funded by the taxpayers, comes Ernest Jackson, principal of Chester Academy Middle School in Orange County, New York.

            Todd Venezia and Reuven Fenta of the NY Post write:

[Smith]… barged into the home of two brothers who called in sick and confronted them in their beds.

Later in the article:

Jackson allegedly went to the home on Sept. 23 after the boys' mom called and told school officials that Vincenzo, 12, and Robert, 16, were ill.
Jackson apparently thought the boys were playing hooky. …[Jackson]and a guidance counselor went over to the family's home to personally investigate. They allegedly entered though an open door and found the boys in bed.
The counselor bolted, but the principal still wasn't convinced -- and woke them up.
"My kids were in their underwear. Again, you are talking about a 12-year-old and a 16-year-old. Where does he get the right to violate my children's rights?" DiQuattro said.
The elder boy called his mom, who told Jackson to get out of their home. But before he left, he tried to force the boys to go to class. They refused, and he left.

            Every public official, both elected, appointed and test passer, think they are above the law; immune to the petty rules and regulations that if we cross end us a few years in jail and a ruined reputation and career. Everyone from the very high, the president, to the lowliest TSA groper, to the director of the Department of Education, to even the principal of your local school think they are above us. They think because they belong to an organization that has the legal monopoly of force, they can use force on whomever they wish, whenever they wish. If you or I mere mortals were to force our way into someone else’s house we would be arrested on charges of breaking and entering. Mr. Jackson on the other hand:

has been placed on paid administrative leave until a school-board hearing scheduled for next Tuesday.

            No civil charges, no criminal charges, just a hearing on whether,” he has a future in the district.” The man broke into a private home and violated someone’s personal privacy. This man should be in jail and not going to a wishy-washy school board meeting where he will most likely be the guest of a very friendly audience.

            Our public schools have been acting as surrogate mothers for the children of America; conditioning them to be good little citizens of the authoritarian nanny state. In schools around the country children have been given laptops that spy on them, subject to wellness programs that do not promote wellness but promote obedience to what the authorities tell you, and a structure that promotes obedience and not free-thinking and independence; the nanny-state writ large.

            This will be the subject of this blog in the future. The State has been trampling on our rights for years, dictating what we eat and what we enjoy. The government has no right to do this because my body is my body and no one owns it but me. Any abdication of this and any argument to the contrary are promoting a modern day form of slavery; turning us into serfs on a global plantation.

            Of course, I will be dealing with other political issues and other topics of interest but exposing the growing nanny-state is my main goal. There will be no one left unexposed, no stone left unturned. Everyone from Michael Bloomberg, to President Obama, and even my local legislators will be exposed on this blog. Names will be named and apologies will not be forthcoming.