Saturday, November 20, 2010

Public School Nanny Invades House

In the most blaring example of a public school bureaucrat thinking he is God, omniscient, above the laws of us common men and coming from an over funded bacchanal funded by the taxpayers, comes Ernest Jackson, principal of Chester Academy Middle School in Orange County, New York.

            Todd Venezia and Reuven Fenta of the NY Post write:

[Smith]… barged into the home of two brothers who called in sick and confronted them in their beds.

Later in the article:

Jackson allegedly went to the home on Sept. 23 after the boys' mom called and told school officials that Vincenzo, 12, and Robert, 16, were ill.
Jackson apparently thought the boys were playing hooky. …[Jackson]and a guidance counselor went over to the family's home to personally investigate. They allegedly entered though an open door and found the boys in bed.
The counselor bolted, but the principal still wasn't convinced -- and woke them up.
"My kids were in their underwear. Again, you are talking about a 12-year-old and a 16-year-old. Where does he get the right to violate my children's rights?" DiQuattro said.
The elder boy called his mom, who told Jackson to get out of their home. But before he left, he tried to force the boys to go to class. They refused, and he left.

            Every public official, both elected, appointed and test passer, think they are above the law; immune to the petty rules and regulations that if we cross end us a few years in jail and a ruined reputation and career. Everyone from the very high, the president, to the lowliest TSA groper, to the director of the Department of Education, to even the principal of your local school think they are above us. They think because they belong to an organization that has the legal monopoly of force, they can use force on whomever they wish, whenever they wish. If you or I mere mortals were to force our way into someone else’s house we would be arrested on charges of breaking and entering. Mr. Jackson on the other hand:

has been placed on paid administrative leave until a school-board hearing scheduled for next Tuesday.

            No civil charges, no criminal charges, just a hearing on whether,” he has a future in the district.” The man broke into a private home and violated someone’s personal privacy. This man should be in jail and not going to a wishy-washy school board meeting where he will most likely be the guest of a very friendly audience.

            Our public schools have been acting as surrogate mothers for the children of America; conditioning them to be good little citizens of the authoritarian nanny state. In schools around the country children have been given laptops that spy on them, subject to wellness programs that do not promote wellness but promote obedience to what the authorities tell you, and a structure that promotes obedience and not free-thinking and independence; the nanny-state writ large.

            This will be the subject of this blog in the future. The State has been trampling on our rights for years, dictating what we eat and what we enjoy. The government has no right to do this because my body is my body and no one owns it but me. Any abdication of this and any argument to the contrary are promoting a modern day form of slavery; turning us into serfs on a global plantation.

            Of course, I will be dealing with other political issues and other topics of interest but exposing the growing nanny-state is my main goal. There will be no one left unexposed, no stone left unturned. Everyone from Michael Bloomberg, to President Obama, and even my local legislators will be exposed on this blog. Names will be named and apologies will not be forthcoming.

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