Monday, January 10, 2011

John Loughner: The Real Story

I have been to quite a few Tea Party events. I have spent considerable amounts of time with members of Tea Party groups. I have met some who are passionate to a fault but never saw one with a violent bone in their bodies. But Tea Party members, like libertarians and anarchists, are a threat to the establishment because they believe in the decentralization of power and they don’t ‘chill out’ when they feel their lives are being encroached upon by an overbearing government. When statists are threatened, they use the power and force of government to smash opposition to their evil ways.

That is why the establishment media, the stenographers for the regime, have been blaming Tea Party members, conservatives and libertarians for John Loughner shooting Congresswoman Giffords and killing a Federal judge and many others. But the facts do not support this conclusion. John Loughner was a communist, occultist and overall psycho. He had no affiliations with the Tea Party or any organization related with any form of ideology that preaches less governmental power. Why should the establishment let facts get in the way of a good story?

The establishment liberals are not letting a good crisis go to waste. As I write this, Democrats in Congress are rushing through legislation that would restrict gun ownership and would classify any kind of anti-governmental speech as hate speech, arresting you for being an iconoclast.

The fact that John Loughner was a conservative going out to kill liberals does not past the smell test. Congressman Giffords is a true Blue Dog Democrat. She is pro-national sovereignty, anti-open borders and pro-Second Amendment. Judge John Roll, the Federal judge that was killed in this tragedy, was a strict constitutionalist judge that ruled against President Bill Clinton when the Brady Gun Control Bill was brought before him. Do these two sound like officials that were carrying the banner of liberalism throughout the land? If you believe they were, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

John Loughner was involved in some strange, deviant activity. He was a cross-dresser that wanted to become a woman, played around with the occult by worshipping before a shrine in his backyard with a replica human skull, he used to dress up as the Grim Reaper, burnt the American flag, smoked pot, was described as a “left-winger” and he stated the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx as his favorite book. I have seen some strange, yet hardy folks at Tea Parties. Tea Party members are patriots that are passionate in their defense of liberty. I have never met a Tea Party member that was a pot smoking gothic freak with a predilection for wearing ladies panties.

John Loughner’s political philosophy is fuzzy as a television screen tuned to a dead channel. On his Youtube channel he had incoherent rants that criticized conservatives and libertarians. In reality, he was a pencil necked little psychotic faggot with no means of telling right from wrong. He had no affiliations with any kind of tea party group. His psychosis was what led him to kill all these people, including a sweet little nine-year-old girl, in cold blood. It was not any kind of conservatism that led him to do the Devil’s work. If anything, you can blame the left wing for Loughner’s psychosis. He was, as Michael Savage calls the children of the Baby Boomers, a red diaper doper baby. What kind of parent lets their twenty something have a skull shrine in the backyard? Probably a Whole Foods shopping hippy waste of life. One could make the case that the liberal culture of dirty idiocy could be responsible for many deaths in the upcoming years. Even though Loughner was a psycho, he needed a real man as a father to slap the shit out of him and tell him to cut the crap. Alas, I’m sure his father is a latte sipping over educated idiot with a fetish for writers that wear horn rimmed glasses that no one but other educated idiots read.

Coming straight from the toxic landfills that are the Huffington Post and the Daily Kos, they are screeching at the top of their lungs that right -wingers are responsible for this tragedy and now we must “tone down the rhetoric” to prevent this from ever happening again. “Toning down the rhetoric” is a code word for stifling free speech that dares to stare at the beast that is government and says no.

Government loves to expand its power. It considers free humanity a cockroach in the cupboard that must be squashed at all costs. They want to take away your guns so you cannot protect yourself from criminals or an evil police state. They hate the fact that you have a voice that does not give them praise. They will look at any kind of crisis as an invitation by the gods for them to come in, take your rights away and act like they are your sugar daddy.

Because of this cross dressing grim reaper, they are aiming to take your rights. The brain dead ice queen from Long Island, Congresscritter Carolyn McCarthy, will be introducing a bill that would severely restrict your right to bear arms. McCarthy believes just because her husband was killed with a gun on a train by a character in the same vein as John Loughner, she believes guns are bad and must be banned. That view, in a person that is not an abject idiot, would last for about two weeks. Then a smart person would look at history and at nations that have banned guns and would realize that banning them does not work. But McCarthy is an old decrepit hag that hates America and wants to make the rest of America as defenseless as her unfortunate husband. She is nothing but a tragedy vulture. She is a despicable human being that I hope will be standing on the unemployment line when 2012 comes around.

Surprisingly, the voice of sanity in this debacle is the father of the slain nine-year-old girl. Her father was on Fox news recently and stated that his late daughter should not be used as a symbol to take away the freedom of Americans.

It takes a real man to be able to express that feeling. Even though I am not a father, I do have a special little eight-year-old sister in my life. If I were to lose her in a situation such as this, I would be so stricken with grief that I would be unable to defend liberty as I am doing now. My thoughts would be too clouded in misery to be able to express it. I would eventually come to my senses but I am not strong enough to stand to my convictions as strong as he has. My heart goes out to him in his time of need.

I hope John Loughner, that pencil necked gothic freak, gets what’s coming to him in a Super Max prison. If the world has any sense of decency in it, he will be forcefully penetrated by the stereotypical man named Bubba and beaten on every day of his life. I wish every day leading up to his execution is miserable. I hope he is killed painfully and slowly. I hope for him to be spared no quarter. I hope for him to suffer in eternal damnation.

An armed society is a polite society. If Loughner had tried pulling this at a Tea Party rally, he would have been leaving in a body bag. If the disaster vultures get their way, you will be left defenseless against every kind of evil creature, be they from government or from the depths of private psychopathic depravity.

Do not let government exploit another tragedy to take away your rights. Don’t listen to the educated idiot liberals who would see you become a disarmed peasant. Look at the real facts. It was not a Tea Party activist that committed these crimes. Tea Party members are decent people that only care about their freedoms. John Loughner is a satanic communist demon that does not deserve to breath the same air as you and I.

Throughout history, governments have used tragedies to take away the people’s rights. Let’s not repeat history.

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