Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Richard Holbrooke: An Unofficial Obituary

It does not bode well for those who speak ill of the dead. Since I’m sure Hell is in my distant future, I’m sure talking ill of one dead person isn’t going to change my final downward destination.

All over the mainstream media, you have probably been hearing about the death of Richard Holbrooke via an unexpected ruptured aorta. He’s been hailed as a great diplomat and a man of peace, a man of the people and a slain demigod. Like most fiction stories, once the facts are shown the light of day the story falls apart like a house of cards.

Richard Holbrooke was a man of the elite. He was more comfortable on an exclusive southern Maryland golf course than in the projects of Baltimore. He would rather see a city laid to waste while its children burn than seeing the children of a city prosper from peace. He would rather put money into the pocket of foreign off shore central banks than see Americans have money in their pockets. He would have been more comfortable in a one world dictatorial government with men like him in control than in decentralized nations where the people rule men like him.

Richard Holbrooke was a Wall Street investment banker and a senior advisor to Lehman Brothers; a company known to cook its books to make their operation look more profitable than it actually was. He was also selected by Bill Clinton to be the American ambassador to Germany. Among these other positions he was the former Vice-Chairman of Credit Suisse in Boston.

Richard Holbrooke, like most politicians, was not above screwing the system to bring him favorable deals. He, among other prominent public officials, was the recipient of a favorable mortgage by failed mortgage lender, Countrywide. It was called the V.I.P. program and the lender was bending the rules to get these people severely inexpensive mortgages. (Try to get a lender do that for you!). This system saved Holbrooke and others thousands of dollars in interest payments.

The media has been lionizing Richard Holbrooke as the man who brought peace to Kosovo. The story behind that one is complicated and his intentions more sinister than given credit for.

In 1999, President Bill Clinton sent the United States Armed Forces into Yugoslavia for 78 days. During this time, 200,000 bombs were released leaving thousands of men, women and children dead and painting Clinton’s hands red with blood.

Then Clinton sent in Richard Holbrooke to broker a peace deal. Holbrooke went to Milosovic of Yugoslavia and threatened to send in NATO to commit air strikes and kill thousands more. Of course, this coerced “peace” deal was quickly adopted.

With all of his war mongering and elitism, it seems Mr. Holbrooke had a moment of clarity and a humanitarian revelation during the last moments of his life. On his deathbed before he was put under for surgery he told his doctor that the war in Afghanistan must be stopped.

Sometimes it takes one’s own mortality dwindling away to put someone on the straight and narrow. Holbrooke who had spent his lifetime causing untold misery upon other human beings finally saw the light. He knew what the Afghanistan war was all about and he was against it. Unfortunately, this revelation came to him too late in the game. Hopefully he will be forgiven for his crimes by higher powers.

Even though he was right in the end, he was wrong and inhuman during his life. Remember him, as he was in life, a water boy for the ruling elite. Don’t listen to the mainstream media’s pedantic praising boilerplate. Look into his actions. In a perfect world, he would be a war criminal and treated as such. Since the world is not perfect, he was treated like a God and will be put on the same pedestal as Jesus by those in power who wish you harm.

Goodbye, Richard Holbrooke. Unfortunately, we knew ye far too well. I’m sure one day you and I will be partying it up with Satan and his league of demons while we’re turned into rotisserie over an open flame. Cheers!

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