Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Death Of The Internet

Corporate radio and television is a wonderland for idiotic yuppies that love to hear the wise words of their government masters. There are hundreds of channels and stations but nothing on. There’s no programming to assist independent thinking or cultivate a sense of rebellion or free will. Just the same pabulum over and over again that pulls the blinders over your eyes to keep you from seeing the full spectrum of political, spiritual or economic analysis.

You go to the Internet to get news, music, entertainment and writing that you cannot get anywhere else. The information available is infinite, untouched by the marker of the government censor and is not regulated; the libertarian’s dream. Everything is decentralized, does not need central planners to guide information in anyway and presents views outside of the establishment paradigms. Where else can you get real conservative and libertarian analysis at the tip of your fingers?

The Internet’s inherent decentralization aids anti-establishmentarians and iconoclasts thus making it a threat to governments everywhere. Everywhere from Communist China, Great Britain to even the United States of America there is a widespread panic among governments to clamp down on the Internet before widespread anti-government resistance reaches critical mass.

The most blaring case is the edict from the FCC that would impose censorship upon the Internet through new “net neutrality” boondoggle. The FCC is looking to regulate content on the Internet and cable television under the guise of “ consumer protection”.

To fully understand what is going on, it is important to take a look at the history of the FCC.

Congress passed the Communications Act of 1934 and created the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to regulate all non-governmental use of the public airwaves. This included radio signals and later television broadcast signals. The original purpose of the FCC was to regulate the airwaves so that there were not competing stations on the same band frequencies causing interference and making the stations unlistenable.

Like any governmental organization, it grew way beyond its originals boundaries and became the massive bureaucrat hang out it is today.

The FCC only regulated broadcast licenses and kept other transmitters from broadcasting on the same frequency as others. Since they controlled station licensing and signal regulation they could move over to content regulation as well. If a station had content the bureaucrats at the FCC found objectionable they could fine that station or not renew its broadcast license.

This had the unintended consequence of homogenizing content over broadcast television and radio. No programming on mass media was intellectually stimulating and kept everything bland and non-offensive.

Then cable television came and broke all the rules. The content was transmitted through private cable wires and was not under the iron grip of FCC rule. You could have content that had words the FCC did not allow (George Carlin’s famous bit comes to mind.) and challenging programming was able to thrive on HBO and Showtime.

But this format was still limiting. You could not start your own cable channel unless you had a spare couple of million dollars burning a hole in your pocket and connections in the advertising business. Content and individual thought was still controlled by a small cadre of intellectual gatekeepers.

Then the Internet became a widespread phenomenon among the general public and completely democratized the transmission of information and entertainment. There were no gatekeepers and no over-reaching government organization telling everyone what’s what. If you have views that are beyond the mainstream or have a voice that needs to be heard the Internet is for you and you can have a site for free or for a nominal fee.

Under the FCC’s new regulatory scheme, cloaked in the language of protection, the Federal Government would mandate that your cable box be used as a “broadband gateway device”. To cut away the government speak, it means your cable box would control access to your TV, phone and Internet.

This is a dangerous precedent to set on many levels. You would be forced to buy a box that the government approves of. This would open the door for the FCC to both monitor and censor Internet content. If they have all Internet data going through cable boxes, there is nothing that says the FCC cannot step in and mandate certain sites with a distinctly anti-government bent be blocked through programming on your cable box. These boxes would be the wolves in sheep’s clothing of Internet information blockage. You would pay rates that the government sets and never mind that your phone conversations and cable televisions shows would now be under the regulatory guise of the government.

Surf through the dial on your radio or flip through the major television stations. All you would see is homogenized programming that is barely tolerable for anyone with discerning taste. Or you can hark back to the good old days of the last decade when Janet Jackson’s breast slipped out of her tight leather suit on national television and her breast was accidentally partially exposed with a star shaped piece of jewelry covering her nipple. It sounds R rated for sure, but nothing that would corrupt children. But no, the hysteria from the media was loud and the FCC was threatening fines and rolling heads. If you want to have that happen on the Internet, be my guest and support more government regulations on it.

Governments feel the need to regulate the flow of information because they know if the actions they partake in are shown the light of day their air of magic will be lost and their evil constructs burnt to the ground. They hate the Internet because they have no control of the flow of information through it. Their evil plans are exposed and they do not like it. Alternative news and commentary is the antidote to oppressive government. That is why they feel they must destroy it.

Cable and broadcast news are not an alternative to the Internet. They still have their masters and are answerable to their government masters. The FCC will shut down the greatest tool in the message of liberty since the Gutenberg printing press. This cannot be allowed.

If the government gets its way, the Internet will be much like television news in that it spews a lot of noise with lots of options, but ultimately nothing’s going on. Sit es like the one you are reading now will just be dust in the wind, while idiot havens like TMZ and the Huffington Post will reign supreme. Imagine, a world where your only source of information is MSNBC and the Huffington Post. I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t seem like a world I want to live in.

I want to hear about how the world really is. I don’t give a hoot if Lindsey Lohan is getting piss drunk and flashing her snatch in a nightclub. I hope you feel the same way.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Richard Holbrooke: An Unofficial Obituary

It does not bode well for those who speak ill of the dead. Since I’m sure Hell is in my distant future, I’m sure talking ill of one dead person isn’t going to change my final downward destination.

All over the mainstream media, you have probably been hearing about the death of Richard Holbrooke via an unexpected ruptured aorta. He’s been hailed as a great diplomat and a man of peace, a man of the people and a slain demigod. Like most fiction stories, once the facts are shown the light of day the story falls apart like a house of cards.

Richard Holbrooke was a man of the elite. He was more comfortable on an exclusive southern Maryland golf course than in the projects of Baltimore. He would rather see a city laid to waste while its children burn than seeing the children of a city prosper from peace. He would rather put money into the pocket of foreign off shore central banks than see Americans have money in their pockets. He would have been more comfortable in a one world dictatorial government with men like him in control than in decentralized nations where the people rule men like him.

Richard Holbrooke was a Wall Street investment banker and a senior advisor to Lehman Brothers; a company known to cook its books to make their operation look more profitable than it actually was. He was also selected by Bill Clinton to be the American ambassador to Germany. Among these other positions he was the former Vice-Chairman of Credit Suisse in Boston.

Richard Holbrooke, like most politicians, was not above screwing the system to bring him favorable deals. He, among other prominent public officials, was the recipient of a favorable mortgage by failed mortgage lender, Countrywide. It was called the V.I.P. program and the lender was bending the rules to get these people severely inexpensive mortgages. (Try to get a lender do that for you!). This system saved Holbrooke and others thousands of dollars in interest payments.

The media has been lionizing Richard Holbrooke as the man who brought peace to Kosovo. The story behind that one is complicated and his intentions more sinister than given credit for.

In 1999, President Bill Clinton sent the United States Armed Forces into Yugoslavia for 78 days. During this time, 200,000 bombs were released leaving thousands of men, women and children dead and painting Clinton’s hands red with blood.

Then Clinton sent in Richard Holbrooke to broker a peace deal. Holbrooke went to Milosovic of Yugoslavia and threatened to send in NATO to commit air strikes and kill thousands more. Of course, this coerced “peace” deal was quickly adopted.

With all of his war mongering and elitism, it seems Mr. Holbrooke had a moment of clarity and a humanitarian revelation during the last moments of his life. On his deathbed before he was put under for surgery he told his doctor that the war in Afghanistan must be stopped.

Sometimes it takes one’s own mortality dwindling away to put someone on the straight and narrow. Holbrooke who had spent his lifetime causing untold misery upon other human beings finally saw the light. He knew what the Afghanistan war was all about and he was against it. Unfortunately, this revelation came to him too late in the game. Hopefully he will be forgiven for his crimes by higher powers.

Even though he was right in the end, he was wrong and inhuman during his life. Remember him, as he was in life, a water boy for the ruling elite. Don’t listen to the mainstream media’s pedantic praising boilerplate. Look into his actions. In a perfect world, he would be a war criminal and treated as such. Since the world is not perfect, he was treated like a God and will be put on the same pedestal as Jesus by those in power who wish you harm.

Goodbye, Richard Holbrooke. Unfortunately, we knew ye far too well. I’m sure one day you and I will be partying it up with Satan and his league of demons while we’re turned into rotisserie over an open flame. Cheers!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

RIP: Four Loco

            Four Loco is an alcoholic malt beverage mixed with an energy drink. For those who enjoy Red Bulls and vodka and other variations of energy drink and alcohol, Four Loco seems like the perfect solution for those not wanting to take the effort to mix the two together. Unfortunately, you can’t find Four Loco on store shelves anymore. Thanks to the Federal Government and Chuck “The Schmuck” Schumer this product has been effectively banned from being sold.

            Schumer and other busy body politicians cited the health risk of mixing a stimulant and depressant together. Unless you are a drooling idiot, you know the risk. I’m sure the college students and other young people who drank this drink were well aware of the health risks involved but did it anyway. Why? Because they enjoyed it. They, within the market system, voted with their feet and pocketbooks to purchase this drink for consumption. They knew the risks but thought the benefits outweighed the hazard. Free commerce in society is human nature. You want a product because you either want it or need it. Someone with the product you desire has a need for money. So, you give the person your money and in exchange you get the product. It is how civilizations are built and people survive. Any violation of this, such as the ban on Four Loco, is a direct attack on human nature. It can be clearly stated, Chuck Schumer is anti-human. (That would make an awesome slogan for a sign in a future Anti-Schumer rally.)

            Aren’t caffeine and alcohol legal? As my last trip to the supermarket testifies, they are both legal and prominently sold. How can you ban the sale of a drink that mixes two perfectly legal products together? You can still get Irish Coffee or Red Bull and Vodka at any respectable bar. Why aren’t those two drinks illegal? Why is the government banning one alcoholic energy drink and not other similar products? The answer is simple: they are the government and every edict they give is sacred writ and any questioning of its word is blasphemy in the church of the State.

            How did Chuck Schumer make Four Loco illegal? It wasn’t done through a bill through Congress or a government lawsuit against the makers of Four Loco. No, Chuck the Schmuck wanted it banned like the good government nanny that he is. He made a few phone calls threatening the company, had a few press conferences slamming the drink and viola! It was done. Due to the threat of government force, the manufacturer pulled the product for fear of the holy sepulcher of the State from D.C. causing even more money to be lost.  

            This ban on Four Loco is indicative of a much graver problem facing our nation. From Joe Biden mandating BP to create a government slush fund after the oil spill to Joe Lieberman demanding Amazon stop hosting Wikileaks on its servers the banning of Four Loco is another example of politicians acting outside the limits of the Constitution by making private companies bend to their will; setting themselves up as petty dictators.

            Under the Constitution, the government cannot take away your property without a lawsuit, due process of law or just compensation. For example, the government couldn’t just decide to take away your computer for no reason without a lawsuit in front of a jury, paying you for it or a combination of the two. Since the current government has absolutely no respect for the Constitution, they have decided to take away your property at the behest of chicken necked dictators in Washington. Private property is what sets apart prosperous nations from poverty stricken hellholes. Whenever the government decides it has a stake in your property, as is the case in the former Soviet Union, only tyranny and poverty ensue. As your body is your private property, banning what goes into it is a violation of property rights. Any action made by government against that principle is a threat to both its people and to itself.

            The ban of an alcoholic drink may seem insignificant compared to the myriad problems destroying this nation from the inside out. But it shows the government is not afraid to use the Constitution as toilet paper while rearing its head into even the smallest aspects of your life. If it is not afraid to ban something as insignificant as Four Loco it won’t think twice about violating the things that matter. With the recent passage of the supposed Food Safety Bill and TSA agents having hand sex with travelers, our government has been violating our rights with a brazenness reserved for gangsters. We have been treated as chattel slaves and the government is not afraid to act like a slave driver. We are not slaves but a free people. It is time we stood up to this government that thinks the Constitution is just a piece of paper. We want to control the destiny of our lives. We know what is best for us and the government does not.

            Anyone reading this should send the government a message. Keep your hands off my Four Loco and give me back my freedom!